Professional Development Institute (CPDI) can help with resume building and interview prep. Please visit CCNY Career Connections to schedule an appointment with your career coach. CCNY Career Connections also hosts additional full-time, part-time job and internship opportunities external to CCNY.
Experiential learning opportunities, like those I found through LifeSci NYC and CIPASS, have been invaluable in bridging the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application. These programs provided hands-on experience in my field, helped me build a professional network, and opened doors to opportunities that have profoundly shaped my career path.
A meaningful and rewarding career starts with a strong foundation, and for me, that foundation was an apprenticeship. Through this experience, I gained invaluable technical skills, developed crucial soft skills, and worked on impactful projects. It also gave me the chance to explore different fields, helping me identify the areas I wanted to pursue. This apprenticeship was truly the launchpad for my career. The experience gave me the confidence to apply for competitive research opportunities, such as an NSF research position. This achievement has set me on a strong path toward graduate school and opened doors to promising opportunities in industry. None of this would have been possible without the apprenticeship and internship opportunities I took advantage of at CCNY.
Experiential learning opportunities, such as research and internships, have played a key role in shaping both my academic and professional growth. They’ve allowed me to develop valuable skills, gain confidence, and clarify my career goals. The Experiential Learning Search Website makes it so much easier for CCNY students like me to find these opportunities and take advantage of them. It’s a great resource that every student should know about.